Friday, February 1, 2008

Body Language as a tool for life.

Over the years, I’ve found out first hand how applicable and helpful reading body language can be. From job interviews to interviewing for jobs, to interacting with new or old friends, to playing Texas holdem, it is always handy. This of course is despite the fact that my primary research was on sexual body language which I could use to better understand women and dating. However, since I am (happily!) married I most often use body language when screening my tenants. I hardly ever rely on references anymore, even though I do push myself to make the call regardless. I have found that the basics of body language goes across situations. For example, I normally key in on reading into the tone of the voice, the use of defiant or authoritative body language and how often closed versus open body language is used, among all other aspects. Once you learn the basics of body language, it really does stick with you for your lifetime, which makes learning it early on so much more beneficial. For more information on body language be sure to check out: and the E-book: The Body Language Project: Dating, Attraction and Sexual Body Language.

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