Saturday, March 15, 2008

Eliot Spitizer Body Language

What's most significant about the body language during Eliot Spitzer’s news conference is that performed by Eliot's wife Silda Spitzer. She is avoiding eye contact with the media. She stands at attention with her feet together as a child would when they address an authority figure. She is addressing the media in this way to ask for permission or receive punishment. Her head is most often down and submissive occasionally making eye contact with Eliot. Her shoulders are turned in also reducing her body size showing submission. During the press conference she appears to show little expression almost as if she is not present emotionally. She is using displacement behaviour which is what people typically do as they travel through a large city full of strangers by not showing emotion. She is, in essence, removing herself from the situation and treats others in the room like objects. She most likely sees them that way as well for fear of being reprimanded. She appears to be unemotional and also un-supportive as her glances toward Eliot are barren. Her distance also shows that she is withdrawn from Eliot. She makes no attempt to come any closer then about six inches and performs no supportive touching. Her arms are behind her back showing restraint.

Eliot’s language is dominant and in control like an Alpha male. His moves are quickly and deliberately and shows that he has planned his speech and is executing as if it was a hired task. He is efficient and to the point. What is most significant is his last tight lipped smile which shows that he is repressing or hiding a thought or emotion. The downturned smile also shows unhappiness, anger, tension and depression when held for any permanent length of time. He flashes it only briefly to express an emotion. Remember, body language is triggered by emotional thoughts and actually serves to relieve our inner impulses. Our bodies release the tension created by our minds. Often we can’t continue normally without first satisfying this urge. Think of this gesture like an itch, obviously Eliot Spitzer needed to scratch this itch before he could continue with his life.

If you want to learn more about body language, be sure to check out: and the E-book - The Body Language Project: Dating, Attraction and Sexual Body Language.